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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Leadership Development Program

LDP stands for 'Leadership Development Program' which is offered in-house at the Hope House for those that completes 10th grade successfully.  It is a six months long program where a student is required to complete several modules namely Computer Skills, Typing Skills, Communication Skills and Organizational Skills.
Third batch of LDP graduates: Salomi, Radhika, H. Priya and Tamilselvi

Computer Skills:  Girls are given an email address and given a free access to the net with a rider that all their emails are monitored for their own protection.  Over a six months duration, they are exposed to different applications of Microsoft office including using the application on cloud.  They are given small assignments to demonstrate proficiency in using those applications.

Typing Skills:  They are exposed to the freely available Type-master application on the net to practice typing with both hands using all ten fingers.  They are free to type whatever the content they like but they ought to type at least for 10 to 15 minutes everyday for six months.  We measure typing speed before and after to help them to see their progress objectively.

Communication Skills:  This module is primarily to improve their proficiency in conversational skills in English apart from helping them to get over the stage fear.  They are asked to interact with western volunteers (in person or over skype), making them to do presentations in front of people, showing Hollywood movies and reading books in English etc. We measure English reading speed before and after to help them to see their progress objectively. 

Organizational Skills: Girls are required to organize an event like planning and executing a picnic, excursion or any other event where they have to take the lead role and complete the task.  This module helps them to learn about delegating, leading, taking responsibility for failures and giving credit to other for success etc.

We have completed three batches of girls so far and the results have been astonishing.  At the end of six months, they receive a certificate of completion.       

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