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Friday, January 31, 2014

Journalist's Journal - # 6

Nurturing the unnurtued, reaching the unreached, uplifting the underprivileged and caring for the uncaring for - the Hope house, Vellore stands as an Iconic NGO.

Devising plans from the grassroot level and executing them with utmost sincerity, it has gained the confidence of the public. Its administrative principles are dove tailed with the welfare projects envisioned by them. 

It has undergone the rigorous processes of accreditation, stipulated by GiveIndia and Credibility alliance. GiveIndia serves as a donation platform that allows us to support a cause of our choice from about 200 NGOs that have been scrutinized for transparency and credibility. 

Earlier they had reviewed 3000 non-profit organizations all over India to identify over 200 organizations that have met with their listing criteria. They work for causes ranging from child welfare and education to disability, poverty and women empowerment to name a few. Credibility Alliance is a consortium of voluntary organizations committed towards enhancing accountability and transparency in the voluntary sector. It is akin to a professional body that sets norms or standards of governance. 

Both GiveIndia and Credibility alliance have stringent norms to strengthen and enhance legitimacy and credibility of the NGOs prior to accreditation. The managing body of the hope house traversed through every process before the final endorsement by these two agencies. Candid transparency and accountability that is maintained to prove at any stage the veracity of its operation has enabled this accreditation unmindful of the hazards and risks encountered in the tasks undertaken, the Hope house marches ahead as a socially committed NGO. 

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