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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chinthamani wins a national merit scholarship

How many times have we heard that hard work never goes in vain?  It doesn’t matter what your circumstances are (young and old, rich and poor, men and women etc), so long as one is willing to work hard, success is sure to follow.

Meet Chinthamani – a resident at the Hope House who is in 9th grade.  She comes from an obscure village (they do not even have a bus service to this village and the nearest bus point is 3 KM away from their village) near Vellore and she stays at the Hope House due to difficult family dynamics.  She is a prankster and she loves life like any other child (playing, laughing, eating, and sleeping etc).  She never comes across as a hard working child but she always gets very good marks in her exams.

Last year, her school had asked her to write 'National Means cum Merit Scholarship' (NMMS) examination of Government of India as she scored good marks in 8th grade (yes, she scored class first in 8th grade and won Rs. 1000/- as a gift given by a local philanthropist).  Hope House encourages its residents to do anything that brings them recognition which in turn gives them confidence.  Day before yesterday we got the results of this examination and Chinthamani passed with flying colors.

What this scholarship means is that she would receive Rs. 6,000/- each year till she completes her 12th grade (for four years).  We couldn’t be happier and proud for a girl from a such a background to be recognized at a national level.  Her older sister is in 12th grade and she wrote me an email to tell me how proud she is of her younger sister.  We can see that Chinthamani will go the distance to make herself and her family proud with her achievements and laurels that she will continue to bring for herself and we just want to be there to facilitate.  

Chinthamani, it is you who make these things possible for yourself.  We are all very proud of you along with your sister.  Start believing that you can go even higher and we will support you in whatever that you may want to achieve. 

You want to help more girls like Chinthamani through the Hope House?  Hope House is a tax exempt entity.  Donate online now and get the maximum tax benefit allowed under section 80G of the Indian tax code.   

You can read more about this scholarship at this link:  

1 comment:

Gayathri said...

congratulation chintha! we are very excited about this. keep-it up your knowledge.