Our newest child of the month was a surprise to many of our own girls because the change was so gradual and so steady that they missed seeing their own becoming so positive and strong. We present you our newest child of the month – Lakshmi.
Lakshmi came to the Hope House at the age of nine with a history that no child should ever go through. Despite her challenges, one thing we noticed from the beginning was that she has a heart of a child – wants to play, run, eat and sleep. In our staff meetings, we had extensive discussions to explore mechanisms to support her.
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Today, Lakshmi loves life for what it is. She literally found comfort in respecting life and seeing it bloom & blossom. She has become instrumental in changing the mindset of the management to make the campus into a green campus. She loves plants so much so that her sponsor gave Rs. 3000/- to help Lakshmi to do gardening. A generous supporter was so moved after reading the story of Lakshmi’s achievements to become the ‘Child of the Month’, donated 55 fruit plant saplings. We installed four bird feeders to invite more birds to our campus.
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We know now that Lakshmi has started to turn the corner and the least we could do is to encourage her so we invited an external guest to give her the certificate and Rs. 100/- as a gift. The external guest was so impressed with her citation that she gave her another Rs. 100/-.
Lakshmi, congratulations and keep up the good work. Want to read more and see Lakshmi's award photographs? Click here
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