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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hope House Champions of 2016

Each year, we celebrate the success of our 12th graders and this year we have every reason to be proud of our champions.  As soon as their results came in the month of May, they all had embarked on a journey that they never attempted before.

We decided to help the girls to learn the soft life skills of communication, persuasion and perseverance through crowd-funding their college education without compromising their dignity (we called it "College Education Challenge")

During our preparation, many girls were very apprehensive and shy to attempt this but the thought of an alternative of not trying made them so scared that they decided to jump in.  We provided them with needed guidance and skills.

The fundraising campaign started on June 1st and went on till July 31st and we created a web site  with the utilization of GiveIndia’s payment gateway to collect online donations.  Knowing what they want to pursue in college, they needed to raise approximately Rs. 50,000/- each.

Every day, they would spend couple of hours writing to their contacts, writing facebook posts and following up.  It didn’t go as well as it was expected for the entire month of June but the girls were encouraged not to give up but keep working, which they did. 

Apart from making new friends, girls experienced some pretty amazing things during these two months.  One mentor flew down from Mumbai to surprise and to support one of the girls and there was a family (of Georgia, USA) that visited the girls for a casual visit for the first time which didn’t last for more than two hours in total ended up closing the entire target in the last week of the campaign for all the girls.

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So many people were touched by their tenacity that a positive story telling web site called “The Better India” featured them on their web site.  With the money they have raised, they’ve all have joined college now in these following places:

H. Priya
Diploma in Nursing
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore
Diploma in Nursing
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore
Diploma in Nursing
Catherine Booth Salvation Army Hospital, Nagerkoil, Tamilnadu.
Diploma in Nursing
C.S.I. Mission Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka.

We say thank you to all and God bless.

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