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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Journalist's Journal - # 1

We have an Indian journalism student who is doing an internship at the Hope House.  He will be writing about the activities of the Hope House for the next one month.  We want to bring his writings (we’ll call it ‘Journalist’s Journal’) to let others know more about our work from a third person’s point of view. 

The Hope House which has been accredited as a tier I NGO by GiveIndia, is located in the outskirts of Vellore. It renders yeoman service to the socially disadvantaged, orphans, semi-orphans, physically and mentally challenged girl children. It offers housing, food, security, education and other basic facilities to the 23 students who dwell there. 

For all the key activities, there are sufficient staff who work as care takers. The gift of education is made accessible to every child. Two children who are mentally challenged attend the special school stipulated for them. There are three state children who have been handed over by the CWC for temporary care and medical treatment in CMC, Vellore.

 The concept of an integrated home is well maintained here. The challenged children are not segregated on any basis. They find the fullness of all-round development in the company of the healthier ones.  In turn the normal children are sensitized to develop an empathy and compassion for the less privileged disabled ones who live with them.

The unique feature of a 'home' is experienced by everyone here.   Nine years since its inception, this house has established a reputation of its own as it provides every opportunity for the realization of the aim and ambition of each child. They're trained to grab at each opportunity with optimism. The director- Mr. Ruby Nakka, with his staff- renders commendable service, maintaining accountability for every rupee offered as donation.

Everyone who visits this home, returns with delectable thoughts etched in their minds. I too was privileged to be a part of the joyous laughter of these children as I made my first visit. May the endeavor of the good hearts who are behind this noble task be blessed. 

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