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Friday, April 06, 2018

Our girls are excelling

Considering our girls family dynamics and the challenges that they face on a daily basis, we celebrate each one of their successes however small they may be.  Here is a story of three girls that are studying vocational education offered by Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai.

Meet Jayamalini, Divya and V. Lakshmi who are pursuing one year diploma in Geriatric Care.
They have not joined this course because they didn't get admission into anything but they joined because they have big dreams like you and I do and this would be the channel that would enable them to achieve them.

In December, they wrote their first semester exams and the exam results are announced.  Guess what?  All three of them have cleared the exams with very good marks and Divya  scored overall 7.8 out of 10.  We couldn't be more proud of these girls.

In June, they will complete the second semester and enter the work force immediately.  That (graduation) would only be a large piece of the puzzle to attain bigger scheme of things to come.  With money in hand, they have plans to support their families and study college through open university to write state public service commission exams and other competitive exams to go to the higher ground.  They have already started preparing for those exams.

Congratulations girls.  Keep your chin up and keep on working hard like you've been to make all your dreams come true.  

Please do write your words of encouragement for them in the comments section below.  Click here to support them.  Join to receive our blogfeed in the top right corner of this blog and do share it on your social networking sites.

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