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Friday, August 12, 2016

Rate & review the work of the Hope House

For any organization, there's nothing more important than to hear from their stakeholders of their opinion of the organization.  We too want to take this seriously to know what you think of us.  Here is how you can tell us:

Click on this link and your browser would open to show you this picture below

Click on the image to see the enlarged view
On the left panel, you should see the Hope House building image and on the right panel, you should see the location of the Hope House.  Just below the Hope House building image, click on 'review' (where the arrow on the image is showing) and you'll be taken to a dialogue box to help you rate and review the work of the Hope House.

Scroll down to the foot end of this article to see the links to the other articles of the newsletter

Thank you in advance for taking time to rate and review our work. 

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A Jeyaraj said...

Dear Ruby,
Glad to go through the content. Congratulations to dear Radhika for the compassionate work towards the old Lady. Good hear about 4 Girls joining Nursing career courses. Excited about RC Project and Germany Vunteers programs. God bless you and your labour of love.

A Jeyaraj said...

Dear Ruby,
Glad to go through the content. Congratulations to dear Radhika for the compassionate work towards the old Lady. Good hear about 4 Girls joining Nursing career courses. Excited about RC Project and Germany Vunteers programs. God bless you and your labour of love.

Debbie S said...

Dear Ruby and all at Hope House, great to hear your news and fantastic story about Radhika and also the Railway Children Project. Keep up the good work. Every blessing, Hugh