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Thursday, March 03, 2016

Little social activists of the Hope House

Couple of months ago when one of our German volunteers requested that her Social Worker friend of her be allowed to come to do an internship at the Hope House, collectively we have agreed for Ms. Greta to come and then decided for her to develop each child's profiles as her assignment.
Most of our children come from very poor and marginalized communities where they do not have any kind of memories (such as photographs) so we thought this would be an ideal asset for them to carry from the Hope House when they leave. 

For the past one month, Greta and Jule (our volunteer) worked tirelessly to develop this booklet containing each child's profile and released it yesterday with every child getting a copy of their own.  I was surprised to see a question in that booklet asking "what is your wish for India".  What is more surprising for me was the answers some of our girls gave.  They have big ideas and I mean very big ideas and they want to be part of those ideas.  

Here are just a few thoughts that we found in them are very interesting.  
With this kind of mindset, we know now that our girls are growing up with the right values and we couldn't be more proud of them.  If you liked our girls thoughts, support them by writing your thoughts in comments section below.  If you like to support them for their higher education by contributing towards the corpus fund, kindly do make a donation at this link

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